Tuesday 3 September 2013

rocks :: water :: wool


Rocks, water and wool.  Knitting, unravelling, travelling...

We had the most fantastic holiday ever. I shall say nothing except: if you've never been to Scandinavia and you get the opportunity - just go. Not only is it absolutely, stunningly beautiful, the people are lovely too. 

Plus, imagine you're a resident of mainland Europe and you go by car, well. That's some good chunks of knitting hours you can get in there. And you're going to be doing some lakeside and beachside sitting too. Yes yes.  It took me a little while to get going, with a false start to unravel the neckband (just after that top left photo there), and another to unravel some before starting the stripes (just after I had confidently taken the picture on the top right...). The main thing I have been learning so far is how to correct mistakes as I go along. It sounds small, but without an experienced knitter on-hand, figuring these tools out on my own feels like an invaluable step forward in my knitting skills. (The book I'm relying on, heavily, is this. Not inexpensive but worth every penny).

And is it just me, or is knitting utterly addictive? Especially a project like this: not done that quickly, but not dauntingly huge either. Since we got back I have been working it into my day at every possible opportunity.


Always outdoors. I think the fresh air of this cardigan's inception is going to stay with me.

Those shoreline colours - chosen far away, far in advance - just don't feel like a coincidence.

:: :: ::

Before signing off, I would also like to add a great big Thank You for the comments on my previous post, before I cast on any of this.  Computer issues have prevented me replying so far (on my own blog!!??) are fixed - I comment on Disqus again!, and I am taking things slowly while getting back into the whole school-work-life routine, but I was actually overwhelmed to come home and see such kind, lovely thoughts on my modest ambitions. To those of you who share them: just pick up the needles and go! To the others, thank you so very much for the encouragement :-)

Reminded, yet again, of this lovely corner of blogland we inhabit. Not a bad everyday life to come back to, at all.

Updated to add: my Ravelry notes are here, for those who may be interested. I'm enjoying this knit so much that I'm actually updating them as I go :-)


  1. Jo, this is going to be such an awesome cardigan. I just flicked over to ravellry to chek it out and it's a great style and I love how it will always be imbued with your fab holiday and the outdoors.

  2. Ah thanks! It's funny how I just have a good feeling about it too, every time I pick it up the thought of the finished cardigan makes me smile :-) I guess I hadn't realised how much you kind of live with a knitting project, which doesn't happen with sewing so much (might be different if I ever hand-sewed, but I don'!). What about you, do you have any knitting projects on the go? I thought your leg warmers, scarf (scarves??) and hats earlier in the year were great!

  3. I haven't done much knitting since we got back from France. It is such a holiday craft isn't it. We are away for a few days this weekend and I'm already racking my brain for a knitting project to take. I'm still so keen to make socks.

  4. yep, socks next up here too I think! I'm still knitting to try and prolong the holiday mood - I can't face tidying my sewing space, but the mess is putting me off actually sewing...


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